Wednesday, 26 June 2019

a england natasha's dance (russian soul)

the first beauty i am showing from a england russian soul collection is natasha's dance.

i reread war and peace every few years, so i clearly remember the natasha's dance part in the book.

i'm not sure whether i should call it blackened blue or blue-toned black,  but it is a dark one. in direct sunlight it is obvious that it's not a pure black. it has this vibrant holographic shimmer that makes it pop out, but looks spectacular in shade as well.

natural light:

Monday, 24 June 2019

essie go overboard (core)

i can't believe it's been 7 years since essie's go overboard was released. it wasn't a part of any specific collection, but was immediately added to the core, and it's obvious why.

go overboard is an awesome creamy teal. it's tagline was "limitless sea blue". the teal shade leans more towards deep blue than green, but the green is obvious as well. 

i have a feeling that it darkened as it aged, but can't prove it. nevertheless, formula is smooth and awesome and i wore this polish a lot.

natural light:

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

dior spring ball (sparkling shine)

i  love dior's sparkling shine collection, and, together with today's star spring ball, i own diablotine and delice as well, missing out only on princess.

i was a bit skeptical if this polish really is my cup of tea, but the shade was the same as my girliest flowery summer trousers i own, and thought they would be a good match. i have to say it was a good choice.

i really don't feel comfortable wearing those colours both on nails or having them in my closet, it's way out my comfort zone, but dior did something to me with those sugary shades that made me so enchanted by them.  spring ball is somewhere between coral and peach shimmery cuteness. it is subtler than i expected, so i didn't feel that weird having it on my nails.

formula ad application were pretty good, it is on the thicker side  but the shimmer really makes it flow. the pictures were made in shade, because i found the color to be more faithful this way. 

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

dance legend sirin (anna gorelova winter collection)

anna gorelova winter collection for dance legend is a complete dream. i took the first picture from her blog, and you see that you also get a cute ring with the polish. if you ask me, sirin, the bottom right, is a standout!

this polish is gorgeous, just gorgeous! amazing duochrome, mostly turquoise but leaning to other shades of blue. there is also some tiny holographic glitter, in just the right amount, not to overwhelm the polish.

formula is also nice, and, overall, a beautiful, magical shade that i'm in love with. and i wear the ring really often!

natural light: