i guess it can be said that blues from chanel's summer collection l’eté papillon de chanel, bel argus and azure, were THE most talked about polishes of 2013. after bel argus, the star of today's post is azure.
we all know by now that i'm a huge fan of blues in all the shades and
finishes possible. i loved this duo ever since i saw the promo pictures
and knew i could buy them blindly, but somehow thought that, after
piling up one blue polish after another, they will not leave me
breathless. boy, how was i wrong!
azure is a turquoise duochrome perfection, a true peacock shade. it
screams summer, beach and waves. duochrome effect isn't insanely strong,
but just enough for me to keep glancing at my nails at different
angles. since it is metallic, there are some brushstrokes, but nothing
too bad.
natural light: